ISSUE 38 | MAR 2014

Photograph by Eric M. Gurevitch
Eric M Gurevitch
Signification and Its Discontents
What are you thinking of? What thinking? What? - The Ocean Streams of Story - breast reaches to the tip of her mouth to ask news - the daughter of Parvata, the mountain - or it is smooth and beautiful and makes sounds - giving this scribal error meaning - that we shall be like symbola - Trotsky’s appeal to the slogan, but somewhat sexier
Jen Polachek
On Shame and the Internet
I wrote about the shame of inhabiting my own privilege - you know it happened because your knees are rattling - your IRL is unscathed - it’s completely rearranged everything, somewhere - ally anger - writing under the pretense of « goodness » - I am told it is better to stay silent - somebody named PhDiva needs me to know that I have an eating disorder - I delete myself
Chloé Wilcox
Body Language
« the sentence may be compared to a body » - varying states of undone - Bellmer’s concept of the corporeal anagram - « a sequence of liberating transferences that progress from a malady to its image » - a moment of interior somatic coping - smarting tooth and sympathetic hand - the headless, four-legged permutation - This doll awaits a spanking!
Ray Osborn
Excerpts from an Untitled Manuscript
I myself, the sun - I am insatiate - a wide-eyed / pulp and a / chrysalis. - He meant light but I said « Good » - untwisting her braid - not to use moonlight - afloat with its upright memory - finding / my maw / too shallow
Nicole Herr
Over-Dubbed Films and (Perceived) Self-Alienation
we pay professionals to listen to our voices - these failures feel like small possessions - the entire world around her is dubbed - « A vacuum cleaner ... makes an appropriate noise when you turn it on » - a shaman consents to his possession - according to Bergson, humor has three main characteristics - a particularly swift silencing of empathy
Ida-Verné Stanfield
asocial modes of sense-making - excessive pattern recognition, dread - its mass of speakers - "Not today; not ever again." - trigger-compulsion dialogue - To suddenly forget the meaning - Pater Noster - The Pleasure of the Text
Jane Vincent
Calliope v. Cassandra
asylum - wallpaper - whiff of a spider - fragile knees - along my cheek - It stung.