ISSUE 81 | DEC 2017

Photograph by Tom Dyne
Mordecai Martin
The Tower
the revenge of the sky or of God - the transformation of the major arcana - the smoke, the flames, the long collapse inwards - Pieter Minuit’s sharp dealing - « Everything is fine. » - When would the buildings fall? - « New York is about to acquire its history » - Ecology of Fear - the end of power
Scherezade Siobhan
suicidal ideation - Nepal’s Gurung tribe - in itself means a blockage - « » - solstice fractioned in coffinhives - the almsgiver, the route - in the guava orchard - steer each smallness - richest passivity - faze & marvel - harlequin & fawn - reverse the damage - opal pendant - into this anachronism - no revisions and the marigolds - this low earth spits
Joseph Spece
We Queers - copper charm - a freak shark - at Garden’s blueblack teat
Michael Cavadias
A Brief History of Rent Regulation in New York
social asymmetry - may also mean the disruption - renewed, new loopholes - Federal Housing and Rent Act - Rent Stabilization law - « vacancy decontrol » - the slow death of rent - the Urstadt Law - Emergency Tenant Protection Act of 1974 - the Omnibus Housing Act - began to fall apart - Pataki, Bruno and Silver - an unmitigated disaster - expires again in June