ISSUE 70 | DEC 2016

Image by Katie Marshall
Michael Kinnucan
Introduction: Surprise!
Daniel Moraff
Antiracist Electoral Strategy: Its Failure, Its Future
silence on housing - rhetorical assault - appeals to antiracism - massive losses - mass psychoanalysis - a marked reduction in rage - whose specific objective - affluent whites who, out of guilt - the shifting sands of moral suasion - urban power centers - two fronts
Kate Doyle Griffiths, Lisa Cerami, Jacob Denz, Natasha Fernandez-Silber, Anonymous, Michael Kinnucan
Facebook Trump
Right-populist mobilization - organization I mean - restructuring of the national - critique starts at home - forcibly disabuse - #pantsuitnation - refusing to learn
Zack Friedman
The Barbarians Are Coming
the improbable body of Donald Trump - bulwarks against chaos - fear of uncertainty - "electability" was a bullshit word for a bogus concept - lurching from crisis to crisis - a system for allocating fear
Nathan Eisenberg
Chiraq in the Naqab
asymmetric and urban warfare - our people will impersonate Arabs, not the Swiss - inherently racialized - the Urban Warfare Training Center’s other nickname: Chicago - an interlocking security apparatus - over 250,000 Iraqis - outright experiments in militarized social control - a teeming multitude of killable bodies - to unsettle history
Katie Marshall
Impressions from an LA Demonstration
James Rumsey-Merlan
linguistic and cultural slipstream - I had been given a fear of the word "tiger" - shameful to ask about his about his nose - Zsamschlogen - garden-variety xenophobe - just a righteous white lady on a far-flung island
Steve Mentz
He Must See Ghosts: Richard III, Trump, and the Future
a solitary sleepless ruler with his fingers on twitter - a wine-colored stain under one eye - enough to disorient - stronger and more animal body - He-Who-Must-Always-Win - history itself becoming spectral
Jeannie Yoon
Some Thoughts on Asian-American Political Consciousness in the Time of Trump
Dithering over this beginning - beyond incipience - remark on the exclusion - Appa / I am shocked - YELLOW AND POROUS - holding us up like that - the content and delivery of my resistance
Vicente Peláyez
Le cordon sanitaire
wistful glances towards parliamentary systems - a generation of slaveholders and appeasers - winter-take-all nature of the contest - Hofer, Trump, and Brexit - Nazism or fascism (where applicable) - the American political system buckled before him - shun the far-right Flemish nationalists - keep out the riff-raff - no system can hold out indefinitely
Mamie Stevenson
back, servile - esthetician, a sweet blonde - my embarrassment - like a butterfly - hot wax
Jesse Kudler
A Journey to Trump Take County
Sam Wang - Sean McElwee - Mike Davis - Andrew Sullivan - Kathleen Geier - Collier Meyerson - Christian Parenti - Donald Trump