ISSUE 68 | SEP 2016

Image by Leah Gallant
Stephanie Elizabeth Creaghan
Oh! Impossible Love
in the second sense of the word - similar mostly - same mindless turn of the wrist - once spoke, once moved, once fucked - her gilded and uninterested teat - once you have paid and drained her
Hope R. Henderson
Colorado River
broiled asparagus, black pepper, and an over-easy egg - we are in a state of mild panic - the Canyon, of course, looks just like the pictures - 2 billion year-old schists and granite at the bottom - what Freud called the life force, the libido
b'b b'b
If Scream-Minimizing Architecture Awaits Us After The End of The Law Then Why Couldn't Communist Happiness Have Started Already?
the things that English indicates by the word drugs - what the end of the law could mean - the therapist did not agree - it would be called EYE OF THE STORM / CUSP OF REVOLUTION - it's the drugs and politics, drug-politics, the drug politics.
Mary Mussman
For Rachel In London, For Her Weeks in Hell
except the molten sunrise - (One thousand lines between.) - the Greek word for retention - let me write clearly - somewhere peripheral
Ray Osborn
a she-beast kept - canteened - putatively, she tries - seriously even / rapaciously - i sucked on / a ruby