ISSUE 40 | MAY 2014

Illustration by Sahara Shrestha
Anna Aizman
The Second Mouse, or the Other Half
the special type of salvation reserved for mice - unworthy of being ritually sacrificed - it evokes other rests - The Mouse people would become a revolutionary body - the narrator buries her prematurely in « the eternal history of our people. » - Perhaps he is no mouse at all
Olivia Durif
Snails (A Translation)
Allons-y - eat her, shit her - salad butchers - to be (vain) or not to be - patient crusade - their flocculence intensifies - unapologetically, by trace - (the road to self-perfection) - Humanism
Katie Bradshaw
(keeping myself up for some more stimulation)
a head as a friend and fucking you over good - dumb cows with bad lives - as being naked is quite enough - cucumber rose otherwise known as feminine gin - and the men all blend together we were all tired of you - instead of faces or method or hum - replace I with a verb - she wished more than she worked
Danya Lagos
specter of minstrelsy lurking - an infiltration or assault on the female-exclusive conditions - depending on each other at all - one’s white parents - the emphasis on « passing » - the mere possibility of re-thinking them - ethnic dysphoria and subjective interest - a very strange soup that looks nothing like something - to expand or rethink
Manuel Arturo Abreu
the friend from your notebook
distance would sigh - as you can imagine - In it you insert your iPhone - Smoke more blood
Teal Gardner
Now I am living in a hivebox of sorts - the one who isn’t talking anymore - one pancake, gin and tonic, kale always kale - stuck us together as we were dissolved in a water - You love everything through your love of the house - but yes, avoiding - I dream of a ribcage - a tiny yell from a hinge near my head - Old habits against new aspirations. Whiskey or tea? - if you’d only let me touch your frozen doorknob - I wanted to—we wanted to be friends, I think - I look around. Where is? There is? - living in a rotten honeycomb
Rebekah Volinsky
A Conversation Between Two Rebekahs
side-eyed glances at my reflection - like if my Ego ever got the chance to examine my Id - some reason and some relief - to document the mirror talking back - the embarrassingly young ambition in my questions - And it’s just us. - like, art education, umm, and advocacy? - umm, experimental animation - seven o’clock, turn the shower on, go to work - residencies - a room of one’s own