ISSUE 29 | JUN 2013

Illustration by Ellis Calvin
Ida-Verné Stanfield
On Severalness
they do not exist in the limen - but which thing - I am compassionate and over-sensitive - the self I was for her - a kind of Holi - embodiment of my face - a sin against authenticity
Abram Kaplan
The Student’s Blush
not the doctor famous for his oath - wisdom is a calculus of pleasures - an agonistic logic of its own - Thrasymachus getting angry - blind spots that he can exploit - the other Platonic reflex, laughter
Odelia Kaly
Talking to Dirt
half-Sharpie’d on the breast - the infant-bug resemblance - a bongo-themed rave going on in my chest cavity - I wanted so desperately to create a perfect sphere - secret nervous snail self - the true core of its being: dirt
Michael Kinnucan
The Gods Show Up
two poles of the erotic - home for Dionysos - gods are complete and simple - hesitant hen-pecked - counsel of the chorus
Milton Alexander
do you want to make out - a cask and a casket - two lies underpin a confession - a rare event unfolds - and more of them below
Matthew J.X. Doyle
I don’t use OKCupid - public and private, virtual semiocapital - the message of the piece is unambiguous - not dark enough to be Yves Klein’s blue - Coca-Cola, Jacques Derrida, NYC - a novel called Facebook
Ray Osborn
The Five Senses
this is no fragrant ode for weekends - the likes of artichoke - dreams of my opposite - some sort of wieldy élan - between epsilon and epaulet - O!