ISSUE 27 | APR 2013
Alan Smithee
Reckless Driving
fogged windows - jarring break - a basic kind of proprioception - the text crumbles, crashes, burns - impulsivity and excess - the end of a montage - Pygmalion - their fullness, but without my presence - « This is now happening » - including vandalism

“Vet” by Naomi Bardoff
Élan Reisner
(neé Odradek)
But of course this is insane - no cybernetic loom of fate that threatens - « only the kind of laughter that has no lungs behind it » - intertwining and disentangling - almost apophatic - to let the letter mutate - hallucinogenic Aristotelianism - it is precisely this confusion which philosophy dispels. - Mocking the narrator’s baby-talk interrogation
Jason Priestley
Machine Mathematics
a new foundation for calculus - What is infinity? What exists? - this symbol-game - to an old dream of Leibniz’ - never conflict with finitary calculation - « Entscheidungsproblem » - at speeds impossible - If two mathematicians sat at an abacus - on the one hand a utopian faith
Justin Raden
The Mind Factory, Its Give and Take
Künstler-robot - an anthropocentric world - what makes Kantian philosophy possible - ‘hypermnesiac machine’ - an infinite set of systematic redundancies - the irresistibility of reading - Promethean project
W. T. Dore
Drone Inevitability
the inexorable laws of aeronautics - disposition matrix - Giulio Douhet - « boots on the ground » make mistakes - Boko Haram, Al-Shabaab, et al. - kill list - air power in its purest form
Odelia Kaly
Robot Apocalypse!
constantly whirring brain - my everyone-is-out-to-get-me mentality - desperate need of Raisin Bran? - newborn babies forever - totally legal in most scenarios - making all our decisions - the age of approximately twelve - wall-less, abyss-like - I don't think technology is pure evil
Andrew Branch
“A Robo-Poet Does Not Scare Us”
« Fat Robot » - Vian’s real beef - « we can think, therefore be, and precede essence itself » - dilettantism - at heart, a diss track - translation machines - the miserably embryonic vocabulary - TO REASSURE YOU - knowledge of cybernetics - writhe in the embers like uppity ants
Nicholas Thomson
The Luddite Android
No one looks at each other - little sponges - She was a plump little duck - And right they were - Do others not worry - Plop plop! - children were an utter nuisance - I like to use analogies
Ezra Glenn
I called myself and / this string, his cord - a number and hung - the pin-down ends / a click on are - in random posture or - THE destination for chic - TO BE BE4 I - what is my name quiz / what is my name mean / what is my name lyrics / what is my name Hawaiian