ISSUE 64 | MAY 2016

"Tree of Life," Ray Osborn
Michael Kinnucan
On Emotional Labor, Part 1: Seizing the Means
Marx already had - women so they can raise children - intervening "against" capital - Refrigerators, dishwashers, washing machines - presented as done with love - women's own guilt - rob a politics of the utopian air -seize the means of social reproduction. - actually no
Creed Shepard
The Surmountable Fourteen Percent (For Election Day, 2014)
one voting block, the Pro Unborn Life constituency - you have not vomited once during this sickness, and voted! - it’s said it has to get worse before it gets better - the Women's Health Illiteracy Block - the Deontologizing Pro-Life Block - the White Noise Matters Block
Ray Osborn
On Suicide
the dislocated aspect, haptic realism, and irrationally blinding characteristics of this - I do not advocate suicide as a trendy or posh alternative to life - as always, to hell with Descartes - doing right by themselves and their selfish Egos - call me a sucker, call me Camus