ISSUE 53 | JUN 2015

Illustration by Fontaine Capel
Weston Smith
Mice on my Stovetop
fast and sharp and tinny - She bellows at the drips of rain - slow buffering stutter - pilot light of an unreliable - toothpicks, blowjobs - bang bang bang bang
Michael Kinnucan
knocking, hammering, and tumbling things about - a daily torment - the beat barely audible from the headphones - two or three notches below insane - a legal ban on the cracking of whips - the unconscious returns in the real - the incapacity for a necessary form of inattention
Daegan Miller
Distortion is the Sound of Life Uncontained
punk rock saved my life - I had grown up in the country - information wants to be free - songs with titles like "Rape Me" - Teen Spirit was one of the most popular deodorants in the early nineties - the janitor rocks out - the Panglossian cultural attitude rushing to embrace communication technologies - what sound distinguishes the music of the 2000s?
Caroline Lemak Brickman
Magdalene (putting the body given her to use)
you be my other blood - how bright / your pelt! - like the froth on my lips and the scum / after sinter - a hide tanned - I was barefoot, and you shod me - I was erect, and you prostrate - myrrh-bearer!