ISSUE 45 | OCT 2014

Image by Eadweard Muybridge
Corie Sanford
Mapping the Delta
a version of their home; a colder, hotter, or Spanish-speaking New Orleans - I find myself in a river delta in which land is slowly, constantly, disappearing - there is a sense of indecency - my students do not know how to be lost - you will cross the street to avoid those men, you will barter with that woman for an avocado - modernity is locative, fixative; it is not transformative
Emily Laskin
Reading Wasted
maybe you're hoping I'd say I open it at random like a bible - how to properly perform self-loathing - if I read always as I read Wasted - let's consider her academic career - now I'm on page 215, Marya, and you were going to get well but now you're getting sick again - spoiler alert - she asked if I'd taken her book and I denied it
Michael Kinnucan
Notes on Gambling
sometimes “Here!” - spitting on the Crystal Palace - what the librarians called a Vindication - Kingship is in the hands of a child
Caroline Lemak Brickman
History of Catullus: A Translation
he doesn't care about the fate of local arts and letters / he's got a headache like a water beetle - do they fuck purely out of gratitude - the truth doesn't bother him any more - They play! They kiss! / He wakes up sobbing! - catullus, like kafka, enters the archives - he what, can't go without fucking? - here there's a break in the tape recording